Short Dramedy Fiction Film. 9 minutes. With Samya Ghilane, Micha Hulshof and Goat Coco.
A goat-keeping couple in marital crisis embark on a road trip to festival G.O.A.T. to win the prize for most beautiful goat. When it turns out that the husband has brought a pregnant goat with him, their own childbirth trauma surfaces.
Written by: Daan Bunnik & Roze Elisa
Directed by: Daan Bunnik
Produced by: Daan Bunnik & Fiscal Peters
Supported by
Gemeente Rotterdam
Gemeente Dordrecht
Amarte Fonds
Stichting Droom & Daad
Winner of the Southern Film Pitch 2023
Development at Dutch Film Festival Talents
Awaiting World Premiere