

Brand new film script Wilma & The Wolf is selected for the prestigious development program Imagine Fantastic Talents 2024. Wilma & The Wolf is a Dark Thriller Comedy that deals

Short film GekkigGeit reached its funding goal and goes in pre-production. The tragicomedy short film tells story of Chantal and Gerard a farmers couple who are in a marriage crisis.

GekkigGeit wins Zuidelijke Film Pitch! (co)Writer Rozemarijn Elisa did a wonderful pitch and the jury rewarded her with the best pitch award and a cash prize to further fund the

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Short Dramedy Fiction Film. 9 minutes. With Samya Ghilane, Micha Hulshof and Goat Coco. A goat-keeping couple in marital crisis embark on a road trip to festival G.O.A.T. to win

Blood Group

Short fiction film. 13 minutes. World Premiere IFFR 2020. Produced by PRPL. Distribution by Radiator Sales. With Rik Hautvast, Bart Harder & Bob Fosko. Supported by Gemeente Rotterdam, VSB Fonds,


Short fiction film. 10 minutes. International Premiere Aesthetica SFF 2017. Supported by Gemeente Rotterdam. Produced by Volya Films. With Nils Verkooijen & Felix Osinga. In this drama film Tobias fantasizes

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FC Utrecht

Commercial. FC Utrecht, Wilhelmina Children's Hospital and Ubuntu Sport join forces for chronically ill children. It seems so obvious: children play sports and exercise; after all, it's fun and healthy.

Boijmans van Beuningen

Promo. 2 minutes. Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Exhibition Fra Bartolomeo - The Divine Renaissance. A short video that introduces the new exhibition on Fra Bartolomeo one of the big four


Documentary feature. 5 episodes of 15 minutes. Nanjing TV. Dutch Design Week 2016. The films portray the personal side of the exchange between five Dutch designers and five Chinese craftsmen.

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